“Simon Armitage pogos to neo-punk, Anne Enright craves for Cary Grant, The Seventh Seal cheers up Julian Barnes, Diana Evans works out to hip-hop and Jeanette Winterson talks to herself … writers reveal how they’re surviving the corona crisis.” Will this be the weekend I finally break down and watch Tiger King? “I’ve always relied on books to transport me to another world, one where my own problems don’t exist, so it’s especially heartbreaking that I haven’t found comfort in their pages now when I need it the most. For the past three weeks, while social distancing alone in my one-bedroom apartment, I haven’t been able to read. It’s as if there’s a fog cast over my brain, preventing the words from seeping in. Over and over I find myself reaching the bottom of the page only to realize I hadn’t the faintest idea what I’ve just read.” I feel both viciously attacked and very, very seen. “Their books are coming out at a strange time, but this spring’s hottest authors are still finding plenty to look forward to. Here, they tell EW about the spring and summer books they’re most excited about.” It’s good to know what writers are reading.

TIGER KING and a Bloody Mary Are Getting These Authors Through Lockdown  Critical Linking  April 5  2020 - 77