Guess who’s back in town? Why, it’s everyone’s least favorite uninvited house guest, Mercury Retrograde! Mercury enters retrograde June 18 and will continue to ruin plans and cause confusion through July 12. I tried telling Mercury to cancel its retrograde plans considering we’re battling a global pandemic over here, but unfortunately, the planets don’t often take advice from book bloggers. As I always say, your best bet to avoid Mercury Retrograde disaster is to stay inside with a nice book.

Aries (March 21–April 19)

You’re strapped in for an emotional rollercoaster this month, Aries. Life is unpredictable in June, and the stress of the unknown will take a toll on your mood. There are great opportunities for fun with family and loved ones, but also frustrations with roadblocks in your career. Communication is a challenge in June thanks to Mercury retrograde; be clear about your intentions and goals to avoid conflict. You might enjoy Pizza Girl (June 9, Doubleday) by Jean Kyoung Frazier. Jane is eighteen, pregnant, unsure of what she wants in life, and vaguely unhappy in her pizza delivery job. But then she gets a frenzied call from a woman whose son refuses to eat unless it’s a pepperoni and pickle pizza. Her effort to help turns into a dark, messy, dangerous obsession.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Tauruses love a little luxury, and June is a good opportunity to splurge—within reason, of course. Your finances will take a positive turn this month, giving you a little extra room in the budget for something special. Buy something nice you’ve had your eye on for a while, but be sure to save money for practical purposes too. It’s also a strong month for romance; plan a nice date with a special someone. Check out Party of Two (June 23, Berkley) by Jasmine Guillory. Olivia and Max have instant chemistry when they meet at a hotel bar. But she’s a busy lawyer starting her own firm, and he’s a hotshot junior senator. Although they try to keep their relationship under wraps, can their connection last once the word gets out to the media?

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Happy Birthday, Gemini! Now is a good time to think about the kind of person you want to be. Do your actions reflect how you see yourself? Conversations with family and close friends can be transformational in June; loved ones can help you see yourself from a new perspective. Frustrations at work may tempt you to act out of character. Don’t let the “twin” aspect of your sign compromise your integrity. Read The Groom Will Keep His Name: And Other Vows I’ve Made About Race, Resistance, and Romance (June 2, Bold Type Books) by Matt Ortile. In these essays, Ortile explores his experience as a gay Filipino immigrant in America, and what it’s taught him about sex, race, power, and self-love.

Cancer (June 21–July 22)

You’re feeling misunderstood this month, Cancer. It’s hard to share your inner feelings with others, and Mercury retrograde only makes communication more challenging. Look for someone who really gets you for comforting conversations this month. The stars show a good chance of romance; single Cancers may meet someone highly compatible. When you find that connection, passion will flourish. I recommend Take a Hint, Dani Brown (June 23, Avon) by Talia Hibbert. When a video goes viral showing Dani being “rescued” by a hot security guard, he convinces her to fake a relationship to gain attention for his charity that helps kids play sports. Dani is absolutely not interested in a real relationship. But can her faux beau’s hopeless romanticism change her mind?

Leo (July 23–August 22)

It will take a little creativity to reach your goals in June, but you’ve got the ingenuity to make it work. Your fresh ideas can turn lemons into lemonade in your career, romantic life, and artistic endeavors this month. For best results during Mercury retrograde, communicate those ideas clearly to everyone involved. Your charming personality will help get everyone on board with your vision. You might enjoy The Invincible Summer of Juniper Jones (June 16, Wattpad Books) by Daven McQueen. Biracial teen Ethan is less than thrilled to be sent to live with his aunt and uncle in a 1955 Alabama small town. But when he’s befriended by local oddball Juniper Jones, the two set off on a journey to make a place for themselves in a town hellbent on rejecting them.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Careful planning and organizing will serve you well this month, Virgo. Luckily, your diligent, methodical nature means that won’t be a problem for you. Avoid making hasty decisions in your career and finances in June. And don’t forget to take care of your mental health during this busy time. Take time out to do something you enjoy, or give your brain a rest with meditation. It will help your productivity, too. Take a mental vacation to northern Italy with Belladonna (June 9, Berkley) by Anbara Salam. Connecticut schoolgirls Bridget and Isabella travel to a silent Italian convent to study art. Bridget’s efforts to befriend Isabella turn to obsession, and as she tries to reinvent herself, Isabella’s secrets threaten to change both of their lives.

Libra (September 23–October 22)

It’s time for a little spring cleaning, Libra. Things in your personal and professional life are at a bit of a standstill in June, leaving you feeling restless. Channel your frustrations into clearing physical and mental clutter. Think about the negative influences in your life and what you can do to cut them out. Putting in the work now will help you fly later this year. Look to your mentors for support while making big changes. Read #VeryFat #VeryBrave: The Fat Girl’s Guide to Being #Brave and Not a Dejected, Melancholy, Down-in-the-Dumps Weeping Fat Girl in a Bikini (June 2, Andrews McMeel) by comedian Nicole Byer. This photo collection of Byer posing in bikinis comes with hilarious commentary on living your best life despite the haters.

Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

Scorpios will struggle to keep their frustrations with others in check this month. Letting your anger get the best of you can cause lasting damage in your relationships, career, and your own health. Try to practice patience and empathy, and schedule activities that lift your mood. Time spent with a significant other may be just what you need to cleanse your spirits. Plan a romantic date, or even a whole weekend. I recommend You Exist Too Much (June 9, Catapult) by Zaina Arafat. After years of being told by her mother that she “exists too much” in her feelings and desires, a young Palestinian American woman checks herself into a treatment center for love addiction. What follows is a journey of self-discovery, carried out imperfectly but earnestly.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Your intuition is strong this month, Sagittarius, especially when it comes to people skills. You’ve got a good sense of others’ motivations in June. This will serve you well in your family life and in romantic encounters. New love opportunities may surprise you. Avoid making any big career moves, as Mercury retrograde could throw a wrench in your plans. Change can happen, but it must take time. You might enjoy The Last Train to Key West (June 16, Berkley) by Chanel Cleeton. In 1935 Key West, three women’s lives collide: a Key West native eager to escape, a newlywed still reeling from the Cuban Revolution, and a New Yorker hoping to help her once wealthy family recover from the Wall Street crash. As one of the most powerful hurricanes in history approaches the Keys, their lives are forever changed.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

You’re taking control this month, Capricorn. Your strong sense of responsibility paired with motivation to get things done will help you make big strides. Unfortunately, some people may misunderstand your competency as overly controlling. Utilize your vision, but let others find their own path to success, too. It’s also a great month for educational opportunities. Learning a new skill could be transformative. Check out Mexican Gothic (June 30, Del Rey) by Silvia Moreno-Garcia. In 1950s Mexico, Noemí receives a mysterious letter from her newlywed cousin begging for help. As she sets off to her cousin’s new countryside home, Noemí is unsure if she should fear her cousin’s menacing husband or the dark energy of the house itself.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Aquarius is in need of deep conversations in June. You’re looking for intellectual stimulation and fresh ideas. You may need to look outside of your family to find the connection you’re seeking. Squabbles at home are likely this month, and philosophical chats could lead to even more disagreement. Consider reaching out to an old friend or colleague, especially someone who challenges your opinions. Read Thin Girls (June 30, Harper) by Diana Clarke. As twins Rose and Lily try to find their way in a world that demands so much from women’s bodies, they develop very different, harmful relationships with food. Their lives are inextricably linked, even as they try to push themselves farther apart.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Family is Pisces’ greatest joy in June. Things may be stressful in work and finances, but time spent with loved ones will be highly rewarding. Romantic relationships are also strong this month; open communication can bring you even closer. It’s also a great time to do a little organizing and redecorating at home. Small changes to your living can make a big impact on your mood this month. You might enjoy I Was Told It Would Get Easier (June 16, Berkley) by Abbi Waxman. As Jessica sets out on an East coast road trip to tour colleges with her daughter, she hopes it will help bring them closer. Her daughter Emily hopes for a taste of freedom and a chance to decide if she even wants to go to college. As their plans fall apart and chaos ensues, both get more than they bargained for. Looking for more? Check out your March, April, and May horoscopes and book recommendations!

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